Is Your Marketing Ineffective? 8 Reasons to Implement Video Marketing

Is Your Marketing Ineffective? 8 Reasons to Implement Video Marketing

video marketing

Are you considering the option of adding video marketing to your protocol?

Creating videos to market your business can seem intimidating, especially if you don’t know much about video production. But learning how to use this strategy effectively can significantly increase website traffic, sales, and engagement.

Keep reading to learn eight reasons why you should start using video marketing.

Adding video marketing to your promotional plans can help you reach more people and get better results. The visual aspect makes videos more powerful than written marketing materials.

1. Improved SEO

Where your website ranks in search results directly impacts how much organic traffic you receive. Improving your SEO to give you a better position in the search rankings helps boost your business. More people find your site, where they can learn about your company and potentially become a client.

Videos can help your overall SEO for your website. Video is considered high-quality content by Google, which helps the search engine realize your site is valuable.

Visitors might spend more time on your site when you have videos, especially when they’re high-quality, engaging videos. People will stay on your website to finish watching the videos. This decreases your bounce rate and increases the length of time people spend on your site, which shows Google that it offers quality content.

2. Versatile Content

Videos work well with almost any type of content or information you want to share. You can create tutorial videos to teach clients how to do something related to your business, customer testimonials as social proof or any number of other types.

That makes video a versatile tool to help you achieve many different marketing goals.

Creating these different types of content helps you provide value to your customers. When customers see that they get value from you, they are more likely to make a purchase. That value can also help build customer loyalty.

Videos are also versatile in how you share them. You can create a YouTube channel associated with your brand and embed videos into your website.

Many social media platforms, including Facebook and Instagram, make it easy to share and upload videos you create. You can also do live videos on those platforms to create an even more interactive experience for your followers.

3. Digestible Format

Consumers lead busy lives, and they don’t want to spend a lot of time reading blocks of text. Videos can give them the information they want quickly and easily without spending lots of time reading.

Videos make many topics easier to explain than text. It can be difficult to explain complex topics or processes clearly with words.

When you create videos, you can show your viewers how to do things. Seeing the processes in action can help them better understand your message.

Videos also appeal to consumers who simply don’t want to bother with reading long posts. Many people want instant gratification without having to work too hard for it. Videos offer easy, immediate information to fit that desire.

4. Increased Branding and Connection

Videos make it easier to get your branding across to your target audience. The format lets you incorporate visual and audio branding elements to grow familiarity with your company. Statistics show that having a consistent brand on all platforms can help you increase revenue by as much as 23%.

The video format also helps you connect with potential customers. They can see and hear you and other staff members, which makes you seem more familiar and relatable. Showing your company’s personality can help consumers decide if they connect with you and want to do business with you.

Video also makes it easier to create an emotional connection to viewers. Seeing and hearing a moving story creates a stronger emotional reaction than simply reading about it.

5. Builds Trust

Creating videos for your company helps build trust in a few ways. By providing valuable content, you show that you’re an expert in your field. It helps increase your sense of authority, which makes consumers feel they can trust your products or services.

Consumers also feel a greater sense of trust when they can see and connect with you. Your videos help humanize your brand. They associate you with the business instead of just thinking of it as a random company.

Another way to build trust through videos is by showing off your products. You can show your potential clients how your products work, and the videos can show off the quality of the products to improve trust. This can help consumers get over any reservations they might have about buying your product.

6. Mobile Compatible

With 81% of Americans owning smartphones, plenty of people access the internet via mobile devices. When asked, 37% of adults said that most of their internet access happens on their smartphones.

Videos are compatible with mobile devices. Consumers can easily view videos from anywhere on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. For many people, watching a video is easier than reading text on a mobile device.

By creating videos, you’re making your content easily accessible to mobile users. It helps you capture the mobile traffic that’s happening anyway.

7. Competitive Marketing

Look around at your closest competitors. Are they using video marketing already?

If they are, your company is falling behind and can miss out on traffic and customers. By adding video marketing to your strategy, you can raise your level of competition to make others in your niche. It can help you pull in more of the traffic and business that’s out there.

If they’re not, you can get ahead of the competition by using video marketing first. You can create a valuable video library to draw in more consumers. You also show that you’re a forward-thinking business owner who’s not afraid to try new things such as video marketing.

8. More Potential for Shares

Videos encourage more engagement than text. People are more likely to comment, like, or share your videos.

Engagement in your posts can help your video reach more people. Every share puts your video in front of new people who might not have otherwise seen it or heard about your brand.

Start Using Video Marketing Now

Do you need help with your video marketing? Get a video production quote from us to see how we can help. 

Picture of Matthew Watts
Matthew Watts

Hey there! I'm Matthew, the head honcho at Viva Media Inc, a top-notch video marketing agency. My talented team and I are here to help bring your story to life through video.

We're all about making the production process a fun and collaborative experience, all while solving your business problems. And the best part? We always stay on budget, on time, and exceed expectations.

So, what do you say? Let's chat about how we can help you stand out from the crowd. Drop me a line for a quote and some casual, but expert, advice.

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